
Is Ryzom in good health?

+1 Limoria.

There is more events since server merge. There was a few months hiatus because of an emergency to fix the pay system, (Which includes Paypal), plus make a new program for in-house ticket system in anticipation of the program used to start charging a fee, but now it seems fixed and we are going to go on with new events that last a year for each race!
See! That is what you learn from attending Ryzom Forge meetings every Monday. Also, they are working on making plugins for Blender, which is a Free 3d software so players can add content to Ryzom graphic-wise. 3DsMax is what they used, but its expensive, so they are looking for options.
See Ryzom wiki on 'How you can help!'

Also, there is a Ranger organization currently in developement, and implementation.

I get so tired of people complaining about how Ryzom is so 'Static,' Maybe that is true, but all these people are people that can help make it successful if they volunteer.
You can just be a translator, or a Grammar fixer, or a Graphics Artist, or a programmer, or a Coder, or a reader/lore person, or a wiki fixer, or a mission idea specialist, or Tribal mission idealist, or an ARCC specialist. There is room for all players to help make Ryzom more dynamic and exciting if you only wish to help and do it. I'm not saying you are complaining, I'm just saying there is opportunity to help here. ~Thanks if you do :)
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Last visit Thursday, 19 September 01:48:48 UTC

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