Ack, so now I know that I'm most horrible, vile and ... uh, belong to the dregs of society? :( Like up to 125 million other people (however just up to 10 million active at the same time in average)?... the most horrible and vile elements of the internet community ... The people beyond our borders are the dregs of humanity
Sorry, I cannot see why the Steam-community should be worse than other gaming-communities? Many have written reliable, factual reviews that point out the good and bad equally. There are as many or few trolls on their forums as in Ryzom - and also as many or few fanatical fans. The Steam-features I've been using are mainly in English (a few in German as well) and host people from all over the world.
So I don't get where this negative view of the Steam-community *in general* (!) is coming from? Okay, maybe I don't have the best insight, because I'm not overly active, and I still have a very small friend-list (I hate to be notified by Steam all the time about every little thing other players do).
I'm on Steam since July 2011 (Terraria). Since then I've written a few long reviews for games, have taken part at forum-discussions for certain games, have commented new updates/patches and have even become part of a group of players (called "Society of Ethical Adventurers" for Planet Explorers). Being part of the Steam-community has also motivated me to add stuff to game-Wikis, write bug-reports and reply to help-questions of players.