Get rid of Rakoo

My idea is simply to replace Rakoo with a boss that we do not have a lv 220 or lv 270 version already in game, and preferably allow players to vote on what boss should be used as a replacement.

I am not sure how easy it is to replace a boss with another, but replacing Rakoo with another q270 boss seems sensible to me.  We have ragukin, so why on Atys do we need another q270 Ragu boss?  Time and time again players ask for some changes to the bosses/named mobs to spice things up. Further, there are many named/bosses listed as missing on the wiki.  Can they or can they not be used to replace named/bosses already in game?  If not, please tell us!  Can we please have an official statement as to what is and what is not possible to do with bosses/named?


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