
Ryzom prettier than ever ! ReShade + MasterEffect Reborn

Thanks for the hint about the hoster, Talkirc! Worked like a charm and it also made me realize that my imageshack account is now useless because they changed their business model.

Is there someone else around playing on a post-filtered Ryzom with ReShade or SweetFX? I am always curios.

Btw - I see the possibility to change not necessarily as a heavy modification or "missing love for Ryzom". E.g., everyone has a different screen and graphic card - so it could also be a way to compensate color and "sharpness" differences.


Pippa Carinae

Argonaut der heilenden Hände
Nimmt gerne Bonbons
Artiger Argonaut
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 16:59:36 UTC

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