A less revealing MA Pants option!

To be fair, after also seeing Daomei's comment, I do have to back down from my initial position.

Some armors *are* over the top. Thankfully MA isn't very useful past level 100, so we don't get to see it on people. Still, I do see Fyros HA on females and it's bloody ridiculous for the reasons stated by Daomei.

Also, Virg, I do agree with Placio on something: we live in an isolated bubble. The community is very small and acquires new members incredibly slow; the churn rate of all guilds who actively recruit is .. sad. The userbase is used to the status quo, and works with the existing assets or around them (e.g. females avoid wearing Matis MA unless they're actually frisky).

Now, if the game is going to have some good exposure (Steam etc), it will attract a lot of people with expectations vastly different from ours. There is quite a good possibility to see an initial surge of new players, only to drive them away almost immediately with the game's shortcomings. Having them write disparaging reviews is (in a way) worse than the "no exposure" situation. You only get one shot, you don't want to blow it :)

So, in that regard, simply adding a decent armor is not "a whim" of a player, but actually a safeguard for the (somewhat) near future.


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