A less revealing MA Pants option!

I don't think we need to wait for there to be an incident, or for a complaint writing campaign. I have seen negative comments online about the screenshot on that features a female Matis butt, and I know Ryzom can do better than that.

I was thinking along the lines of a kilt or leather gladiator skirt with some sort of wooden reinforced belt. The item could be uni-sex and just replace the secondary colors to match each races plans.

The idea of new armor is not crazy, they have in fact requested the creation of armor for the Tryker governor. Ailan currently wears HA pants and vest (maybe entire HA set excluding helmet?), which isn't too practical, but the MA would make a national leader look like a belly dancer, and LA does not have the seriousness needed. If this new armor contains more conservative MA pants, maybe that could be a prototype of a piece to be added? Surely Ailan will stand up for the modesty of her fellow hominas!
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 03:52:51 UTC

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