A less revealing MA Pants option!

Maybe the clothing options are not a problem for males, I have the impression that more than one female has felt uncomfortable in some of the armors offered.

It is not a special problem of Ryzom that females in their armor are often more undressed than dressed, on contrary, I have to acknowledge that Ryzom already is offering a couple of choices, e.g. long skirts in LA.

While I do not consider the Tryker MA so much exposing, worst I always found was the Matis MA in HQ black, looking like the .. hm working suit of a domina hooker. And I prefer not to show everybody a shaved pubic region in Fyros MA alike.

Several of the female armors are plain ridiculous, e.g. HA exposing belly, legs, back etc., only to show some skin. It is absolutely immersive for a woman to believe that the kincher or vorax cares for the view instead of the opportunity to hit the unprotected body parts.

Among the worst is the Fyros HA vest, not because it is so lewd, but because it is breaking the design of a humidity insulating whole body armor in the style of Dune - hence the gas mask. It is plain irrational to insulate a bit of breath humidity, or protect the face against abrasive sandstorms while exposing the belly and the back.

I do not know how far the project of Ryzom Forge is progressing concerning new armor plans to be won in tribe missions. If it is going on, some preferredly female designers with bit more taste than testosterone would be a good choice.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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