A less revealing MA Pants option!

This post is not asking for a new armor for the sake of new item, but as a solution to a current problem. The fact that a female toon who wishes to wear MA must expose her crotch and butt to all of Atys is a problem. If a toon wants to dress in a thong that is their choice, but if it is the only option then it gives a lewdness and gross factor to a game that is otherwise family friendly...

I'm not sure that the male patterns will match the style or fit the shape of the female armor, but it is a good suggestion. As far as males players liking their female toons in MA pants, since we know that they have a computer and internet access to play Ryzom I would assume they can see plenty of revealing pictures online... And in general I don't see many female toons wearing MA pants regularly, I assume this is because those pants are too revealing, but maybe a female toon could correct me :P
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