A less revealing MA Pants option!

There have been many similar ideas or calls for new armour since I started playing. I think some of them, which add additional content, rather than help retain players modesty better deserve time being put into them. A few examples are; racial effect armour (fyros burning gloves etc) or a completely new set of marauder (and ranger) armour (to seperate npc ha/ma/la from marauders and give us the ability to craft our own like the races).

A pvp MA piece I love the sound of- similar ideas have been put forward and been ignored but you never know.. a kami/kara/marauder/neutral MA vest piece would be cool to buy using pvp points.

EDIT: Just to make a point- if there was new PVP MA it should definately not be pants as we already have a pvp caster skirt for that. Instead I would think vest or sleeves (vest imo).



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