Make consumable cats (experience catalyzers) work on P2P accounts

Neela (atys)
If that's not an option, then what about changing the rewards that are given so that useless cats are not given to P2P players?

As far as I understand, most of these are hardcoded, thats the reason why they are still in game. It would be to much work/ not worth effort to remove/replace them. Seems to be a similiar problem with all the kill goo animals missions that are still around.

But to make an option to enable/disable the permacats should be not that complicated.
What is needed is a "button thing" to enable the perma cat again after disabling it by clicking on the icon (disabling like consumable cats). I think a simple object compareable to the camp fire starter could do that.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 02:49:38 UTC

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