
[Dev] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Dev Group)

25th of may 2015

Summary :

Test server for RF
Madi has not news about server, he had problem IRL for a long time.

Tutorials about datasheets and primitives
Lyne translate, again and again. If someone can help her, welcome.
Zatalyz is waiting volunteers to transfer the tutorials on Ryzom Forge's wiki. Please contact her in PM.

Tutorial about pets
Yannk had a lot of things IRL, so he could not do to make it.

Create a tool to use Blender directly (without 3dsMax)
-Winchgate wait a answer by Kaetemi (or an other people), with the details of each task and the price asked by task. WG is okay for this project, it would be nice to don't wait 6 months to launch it. Especially with 1500€ max per month : it will take time to materialize the project.
-We need people who have 3dsmax and Nel's plugins to export that :
[Wiedii] I have already tested, in the past, the export from 3DSMax to .shape.. So I knew how to do it, I may be able eventually to do it, if noone applies (but I already have a lot of things to do .) So I can, but as a last resort. 
I'm told that a tutorial would be needed... but it already exists.I've got a tutorial that I partly wrote, partly copied from somewhere I don't remember... and which had been translated in English. I'll export that, in both languages, during the evenint... I'm surprised it's not on the RF wiki.
And tutorial regarding the teddybear?
[Osquallo] It's especially missing what comes before. Just for getting a working plugin, it's kind of assault course. Or there's maybe Kaetemi's pdf: x+Plugins. But it's still a pain just to get the plugin
[YannK] There are stps to generate a clean .shape, with its lods, a nice texturing, etc, and that's what we're missing. Anarkia knew it but he had not time to give the informations.
[Wiedii] I've just created the page for the export from 3DS on the wiki, without any layont. There are images, but theay are hidden in the code of the page, so you'll have to wait for it to be cleaner (I've done it in 1 minute and I don't remember really about wikimedia):

Documentation about datasheets
[YannK] I wanted to explain a bit what I started to upload on the wikhan, meaning documentation on all kind of datasheets. I started with the .sitem, i.e. all inventory objects: x+Plugins.
For each kind of .sitem, I've listed all the possible characteristics and parameters (just missing two or three small details, but it's negligible) to be able to create such an objec: It includes weapons, hairstyles, teleportation pacts, pets management, foraging products... It has still to be translated in English, and move to the RF wiki, but it's already available in French.
So if you want to create an object, don't hesitate to read these pages. I expect to give precise and detailed examples from our game server once we have finished to install it.
I started the DS of the skills, but it will be a bit longer. There are hundreds of sheets done juste of the sitem, and it's quite simple in regard to the DS of the skills.
Textile > Mediawiki :


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