
Confusion, Fear and Greed

There is no logical reason for what amounts to almost 2 full teams of masters; armed to the teeth to defend 2 OP's that they do not even use the mats nor require in any of their guilds

This is a non-issue to begin with; the faction alliances are not something new, a multi-master guild may help defend a level 50 OP if it belongs to their faction, regardless of how useful the materials are to them. Do you feel the karavan should stand idle if kami or maras attack Greenvale, the q50 greslin OP currently in the hands of Placio?

Alexarwe has helped several newcomers with gear made using OP mats. To the best of my knowledge, this is consistent behaviour on Wulfpack's part, not just a few random acts. In this light, I believe they're very well fit to own those 2 OPs, much more than DoW.
If a guild wants to spend money declaring war every 48 hrs as is allowed by the game mechanics and is willing to lose the money, why whine about it, play the game as is or go and play solitaire.

The issue of ticketing and counter-ticketing already has a history. The guild "The Outsiders", some months ago, declared on several OPs in a row, despite the obvious fact that they could not win phase 2 with only two members in any way; moreover, they would do so at hours similar to yours, when 4/5 of the playerbase is fast asleep. I'm sure anyone can understand how a person could draw a parallel line between TO and DoW, all things considered?

Personally I believe it's not ok to throw threats of reporting right off the bat at DoW - but I quite understand where everyone doing it is coming from. I assume you could have simply brushed them off, and if they continued you could have raised tickets yourselves about *that* harassment?
I see no one from that Grave guild commenting on this

GotF has no reason to comment in an official manner. Our name and standing is simply accessory to the discussion.

Rikutatis noticed there is an instance where your guild threatened harassment against another, yet you rush to the forums when you're the subject of threats (from a single individual, wow, such importance). I would like to presume that you understand how giving examples is relevant to a discussion.


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