
Confusion, Fear and Greed

Good day everyone, i do have the facts all straight and if you would like me to completely embaress the toon in question I can publicly post his whining but unlike the 2 of you (Rikutatis and Sygmus) I have more class and diginity but if you push me I will and I would like to see you 2 back-trail. 

It is very easy to take a portion of a mail with the entire context and post it but the individuals involved were wrong and I see no one from that Grave guild commenting on this. It seems that by your actions above, no one can truly fight their own battles, that if the Grave guild wanted to comment they would have instead they sent their big-bad Celestai guild to do their crying for them.

Now, as stated before, you want me to stoop to your level and conpletely embaress this toon, I will but maybe you should get all of your facts straight before posting something that you are not fully aware of.

Soyeok - Happy Dog :-) Ranger-in-Training
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