
Confusion, Fear and Greed

To be clear, we are talking about this?
"Good day Lamda, hope all is well and I think my assignment will be done in time for your birthday, if not i will contact you for happy wishes. Based upon the recent actions of MJ, I have decided that I will declare war on your guild and take everything you have since MJ had an unauthorized attack against me when this was supposed to be done by another guild.

I suggest that you either talk with MJ and resolve this matter with Feno or accept that I will just declare war every 3-4 days to stop your drill from producing mats fore the next 6 months. I do not even went your OP nor did I even want the OP that MJ took, but read the Post "Ignorance and Stupidity" and then contact Alex first because he actually wanted to exchange OP with me and then Feno because Feno has already asked me not to declare war on you.

Thank you and sorry for the mess but your guild started it and since MJ's memory is like Mek feces I have no problem proving a point.


The irony of that being MJ gave the OP to Alex as was planned in kami forums, but here we are.


Sygmus Talao-Fyr

Zoraï Ambassador to the Fyros Empire
Celestaï Mik'ito
Kitin College Representative

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