Touring the camps - without mektoub

Before they made it impossible to do without meks this was a thoroughly fun and enjoyable activity.  We used to do this activity daily as a guild.  It was fun for us leading it and for lower level players who required assistance.  It was a really good team building activity and back in my f2p days I learned a great deal about aggro ranges and "safer" paths etc in the Forest. 

I stopped doing the deliveries because firstly in the Forest it is a pain to go up and down and up and down again from north to south without being able to TP.  Secondlylower level guild members would usually die in the trek at some stage unless we went on foot with the mounts following which usually ended with a mek or two dead and the trek taking forever to complete. 

Just take it back to how it was already - even if I can't do them now it was one of the most enjoyable activities to do in Ryzom and other players (esp newer ones) should be able to enjoy Atys in the ways which we all did before they completely e'fd it up.


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