'Normal' guilds and 'alligned' guilds

@Riku: That completely bypasses the purpose don't you think? The point is for a Kami follower and a Karavan follower to come together under a common banner. Not a 'half kami' and a 'half kara'. Essential this already happens within many players game styles. There is also more unique roleplay paths that can be opened by this idea. For example:

A merchant guild who dig and craft: it would make sense to have different members aligned within different nationalities to ensure good trading wherever they are. (Horrible example but one none-the-less)

A spin-off ranger guild. Homins united under one banner, regardless of allegiance, to kill kitins.
(I am sure players can use this for much better ideas- the point is this opens up a different playstyle rather than the monotonous one-religion one-civ policy)

This won't destroy the dynamics of the allegiance system if proper benefits are put in place to offer advantages to a guild being aligned- did you like any of my proposals?

@Daomei: Sorry you are correct and I should have defined further, not my intention to brand all French players with that remark. It is a viewpoint I often seen within French players but not representative of all French players. I have seen this trend as well of a more.. relaxed/understanding style- partly mediated by talks between Syndicate and CSN.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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