'Normal' guilds and 'alligned' guilds

Virg: Your Rugby example is great, and I wholeheartedly agree with, though I did never choose PvP and never won't except in certain cases which I consider emergencies (and I won't ever love it). As to "French RP", there are many different french RPers, and what you write, does not apply to all of them, probably not even to most of them. Ask Kiwalie, Djiper, or Zorrorargh. There is not one "French RP" as there is not one "German RP" or "English RP".

Btw. even "french hardcore RPers" are acting differently. I experienced a gentle Seve Noir homin who did not feel entitled to rez me but healed me up to 9 min and told that this was all he could do according to his convictions. That was great RP in my opinion, though I would act differently.

There is no "french view-point", and please do not rip apart the community in that way. That is damaging and wrong.

As to the guild proposal, I stay undecided, as told. The issue is surely worth while to be considered.


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