'Normal' guilds and 'alligned' guilds

Actually Maxxye this will make understanding peoples RP stance much much easier. I personally would stay in a marauder-only guild. This idea will make having your guild aligned to a civ/religion/organisation actually mean something. There are too many 'aligned' guilds that if we are honest, aren't really aligned at all.

Riku I do completely understand what you mean however this option simply isn't just available for non-RPers. People have different stances on RP and whilst the so called 'hard-core' roleplayers take a very literal stance on the lore, this isn't representative of all RP. For example, Kami followers are actually supposed to try and recruit Karavan followers- now how can they do this if they don't talk to each other? How can you truly express to someone what the benefits of another religion is to them without first understanding that person?

Being in a guild with someone who follows a different belief does not mean by any means you do not roleplay and in fact, can mean quite the opposite. I wish people would rid themselves of this ridiculous french view-point that goes as follows:
'gasp! you are kami and I am kara! I must never ever speak to you and spend my entire time being an utter ass towards you!'

Rugby is a true sport because players are friends off the field and enemies on the field. That is how I choose to pvp. People should be able to make the same choices for guilds.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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