'Normal' guilds and 'alligned' guilds

I voted "no".

Regarding your question of why not Virg, I already explained it in Bina's thread, but let me try to rephrase it:

I think it waters down and dumbs down the allegiance system. It removes one layer of complexity from the game. To me it's like the idea of allowing vendors to sell OP mats. In the same way, I was against that idea because it waters down and dumbs down the OP war system. Players who do not want to align can be neutral. Or if RP doesn't matter to them and they still want the faction TPs, then they can simply join whichever faction regardless, just to guild with their friends.

I don't see the big issue of why a non-RPer simply must be Karavan and nothing else, but still join a Kami guild cause his friends are there. If RP doesn't matter to him, then just re-align to kami to be with his friends. Or vice-versa. Or if he has friends in all factions, he can still team, league and create chat channels to interact with his friends. The game supports that as well.

I don't think a sandmox MMO's freedom is about allowing players to do anything they want, however they want, anytime they want. It is about giving them the freedom to pursue different activities in the order they choose to do so, and develop their toons in their own pace.

If you want OP mats, you can get them. But you must pvp for them. Because that's a part of the pvp system (or trade for them with pvpers, whatever). If you want to RP civ government or get the benefits of civ allegiance, then you must align to a civ and deal with both the benefits and limitations of a civ alignment. If you do not want to deal with the limitations of a civ alignment, then you have the freedom to do so and remain neutral. You are free to choose whatever you want, but each choice has both pros and cons. That's what adds complexity and depth to Ryzom in my opinion. Making everything available in every possible way just waters down the experience.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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