Give gL's a stat boost

I think Bitty's idea to make the boost PvE only is a good one. I also understand Virg's hesitation and how it may be abused in the future.

I'd just like the ability to recognize players based on their participation in guild events and such. The GM's put in much effort, especially in active guilds. And many of the HO's spend countless hours nurturing players in one way or another.

Instead of having the GM's workload increased by monitoring alt guilds, having this feature available for subbed account only can reduce the amount of future abuse. After all, many of the Alts (but I realize not all) are on F2P accounts. If people want to sub all their alts to have a slight advantage, that's more income for game development as far as I'm concerned. They'd still have to spend a significant amount of time grinding to master their subbed alts, so it wouldn't be a free giveaway.
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