Letter to the Shadow Runners / Lettre aux Trafiquants de l'Ombre

Some time later, a second letter from Shadow Runners arrived in Zora.
"Kami'ata, Nair-Rikutatis,
I'm sorry to inform you that Mac'cauppy Eppie fleed out of our shizu.
During our investigations, we could find some evidence which you can take to Zora. We noticed that he is really a ki'gai, and I banned him from our shizu, so I'm sure he won't come back.
I'm anryal from that news.
Ari'Kami et Mata Waki (*)
Ba'Roley Hathy, Chief of Shadow Runners shizu
Nair : mark of courtesy
ki'gai : robber
shizu : tribe
anryal : sad (not happy)
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