bulk upgrade for guild hall

i feel your pain bones and i do what i need to do as well, but 200,000 would be the greatest extreme i think, after all 400k mat's is 400 stacks of mats, if there's 100 mat's that's 4 stacks each (i believe there's over 100 different mats in game). also because gear can't be repaired or sold to others once it's worn a little you have two choices destroy it or try to store if for the next young homin to use. gear doesn't ware out nearly as fast as we grind up levels, so unless you ware crappy gear till you have a master in melee and one in magic (one for the armors and jewels, the other for amps) you waste a large number of mat's in the log run.

there's more to store in ryzom then just mat's to craft with, there's lot's of different types of gear, be it armor, weapons, or even jewels. and there's lot's of Q's that those various items could cover.


Remickla (atys)
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