bulk upgrade for apartment

73.1% of the voters agree that some upgrade in apartment bulk is desired, and the previous polls from the old forums so similar numbers.

i've learned that it would be rather hard to add the original idea of purchasable bulk upgrades, there would be too much coding involved as it's not handled by ark.

as a result of the above fact i'd like to propose that an apartment bulk be doubled from it's current amount of 2000 to 4000, while this isn't the amount i would really like to have, it would be better then nothing at all.

a similar idea is listed as "under study", that was quite some time ago, and in just a short time asking questions on IRC channels that a change from xxxx to xxxx would be fairly easy, but not a system to buy more and more as i wanted to start with.

anyway just wanted to add a few thoughts to these...



Remickla (atys)
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