Ryzom 3D Printed FIgurines

Doing a test run on a a new type of Figurine which are made to about the size of "Yubo(Small and Hollow)". This decrease in size brings the price to about the same of mentioned yubo but with a slight change to look. The look of the new ones are stockier and MUCH smaller but much more affordable. After the 6 figurines arrive that I'm doing a test run on this post will be updated with some photos so you can see them.

Should have 6 of the new "Mini Sandstone" Figurines by the first week of May. My only concern about these new smaller figurines is that the textures may not come out as well. But only time will tell now, thanks for dropping by and Happy Hunting/Browsing!

(P.S. If you are here checking on the status of the Karavan/Vorax Figurine both have Texture problems. Until I can find a fix the Karavan figurine will need alot of manual detailing. Here is a link to the Karavan(Female) :
The Vorax just needs to have teeth made and then it'll be "Ok" but far from desirable. Here is a link :
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Last visit Monday, 3 June 16:30:14 UTC

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