Guardians Of Shadows

In the news we got a new lovely guildy this week called Cally or was Callie? Actually think it's both :D

This means folowing bet has been fullfilled:
Suboxide (atys)
Ps. If you decide to join this guild after reading and seeing this post let us know upon joining. There is an inguild bet coupled with this post I would love never to be fullfilled.

So to everyone who see's Bina digging in desert pls agro dragg on her so that she never masters desert dig PLEEEEEEEEASE.  I so don't wanna go  master my heals 

In other news Ozzelot is still going strong as guild leader she might break all records at this rate.
(we are still accepting votes for when she finally gives up or messes up so badly she has no other choise)


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Last visit Thursday, 19 September 01:54:47 UTC

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