Look! What's that over there!


Firstly: Actually no need to change the game code. The beauty of this idea means that the OP war system would be converted/written on the new ARK tools. If this idea came to pass and everyone loved it- can keep it. If not, just a simple matter of switching the OP script back to the original and no harm done at all.


Secondly: Yes I quite understand that people could attack at inconvenient times. The thing about this game is that there are players on at different times. Firstly- lets not forget you need a roundcount of ~14. This means having around about 2 teams I would say for a q250. Now I am just going to logic this out based on this time and my friends list which has about an even number of kara kami and a fair amount of maros. There are actually an even number of all online. So for people to launch a successful attack a decent handful of people are going to have to stay up late. So yes, some people may do this once, twice or even three times at a stretch- but the point is- if its generally inconvenient to defend at that time- it will be inconvenient to attack at that time. People will get fed up of staying up until 5 in the morning just to win an OP.

I understand the timing is an issue but I do not think it is a big one. This however, could be overcome by certain additional options. What if for example, the owners of the OP can choose 8 hours in which they can be attacked? I would be interested to see what you think on that.

I believe the permanent double xp was in response to a large body of unsubbed players- giving a big incentive to sub up. It would be logically what you say to bring them back- personally the thought of having to carry around cats again makes me want to throw up.



I love the idea of making an occupation kinda thing to raise the quality of OP mats- such a thing would be simple enough to make. 6 q50 is very low though and remember people will have stockpiles and stockpiles of q50 and q100 mats.



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