[Matis] Karavan kitin research

"In the name of mother Jena,
the Karavan invites the members and affiliates of the Kitin research group and the Royal Court as well as other interested homins who respect the laws of Jena to the revelation of the information saved in the amber cube that was retrieved from the dangerous fyros woman called Deamla.
The meeting will be at Tuesday, 31 March 2015 19:00:00 UTC (9 years ago) (*) at the Karavan outpost west of Yrkanis, also known as the old Jena temple location in the Verdant Heights.
May the light of Jena guide your way.

For the Ministry of the Star,
Officer Eshuru"

* [OOC] 10h - Holeth, Frutor 30, 2nd AC 2582. It will be a short roleplay event of about 30 to 60 minutes. [/OOC]
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Last visit Wednesday, 29 May 10:19:34 UTC

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