
[Dev] Interface Mod

Hey guys,

i did some new stuff :)

* changed arrow size and position in radar
* arrow non select color is yellow, selected color is green
* added new mail and forum icon into radar
* added pvp logo to target window, it will be only viewable, if a target is in any pvp mode
* jauge bars in target window like sap and stam is viewable in pvp too, when the target is in same guild, same team or same league
* changes in scene bars
* changed YOU TARGET EYE

It's not easy to find all the stuff and images links in the code. I've upload the project to an SVN server and updating the project every day as i can.

It will be nice, if an GM or DEV can grant permissions to post the SVN url, then you are able to download and test my new stuff :)

Here's a new picture.

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Last visit Friday, 27 September 22:36:09 UTC

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