
[Cookies Guide] - Chat tokens + Guide on guildmotd/craft message colors + m ...

- This is a copy from ryzom's old patch notes where all tokens (more then I use) are quite decently explained. -

link to old patch notes: http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=35113 

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Variable tokens

Avaliable tokens:

  • $me$:You.
  • $t$: Your target.
  • $tt$: The target of your target.
  • $tm1$ to $tm8$: Your teammate (from 1 to 8).
Example: Hi! I am $me$, he is $t$ and he keeps looking at you, $tt$...
Hi! I'm Yumeroh, he is Ulukyn and he keeps looking at you, Jena...

A token without a parameter substitutes the name of the subject. You can also use parameters to show title, race, guild name or name of the subject. The "<subject>" below can be one of those above (i.e. me, t, tt, or tm1 to tm8):

  • $<subject>.name$
    Example: $me.name$ | I am $me.name$ = I am Yumeroh
  • $<subject>.title$
    Example: $t.title$ | Hey, you, over there, the $t.title$! = Hey, you, over there, the Refugee!
  • $<subject>.race$
    Example : $tt.race$ | $t$, stop staring at that $tt.race$ ! = Mokoi, stop staring at that Fyros!
  • $<subject>.guild$
    Example : $tm3.guild$ | My partner is a guild member of $tm3.guild$ = My partner is a guild member of Atrium Keepers
It is possible to specify a default for the above parameters should the value be empty using a "/" after the parameter and then the default value:

  • $<subject>.guild/no guild$
    Example: /em sees $t$ of $t.guild/no guild$
    => Yumeroh sees Sywindt of Atrium Keepers
    => Yumeroh sees Sprightly Yubo of no guild
Furthermore, there is the gender-specific parameter:

  • $<subject>.gs(m/f/n)$: the first part is for a male subject, second for female and the third for neutral. The neutral part is optional.
    Example: /em says that $t$ is $t.gs(not his type/beautiful/ugly)$
    Target is male => Yumeroh says that Jaliun is not his type.
    Target is female => Yumeroh says that Sengosha is beautiful.
    Target is neuter (mob) => Yumeroh says that Sprightly Yubo is ugly.
All these tokens work whether in an emote, in guild, shout, emote or around chat, and anywhere else. Let's make some macros!

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ps. If you have questions about this feel free to contact me ingame or send me an izam 


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