Look! What's that over there!

@ Purg: I would rather not leave OP wars as they are, and instead, change OP wars for the better. I think the vast majority of the playerbase realises a change is needed judging by how many ideas have been posted on improving them, and the massive interest, views and responses they have all received. The difficult part is finding something which will make them better and then agreeing on it.

The second phase is currently what makes OP wars not 'fair'. It takes the skill out of them. A smaller force has no chance of winning against a bigger force when there is a second phase. You don't need to wipe the opposing force to win the first attacking phase.

For me this idea can be put rather simply:
1) It makes OPs easier to attack and win
2) It makes OPs harder to hold on to

The additions people have suggested do:
3) Puts an emphasis on holding OPs short term
4) Gives defenders plenty of warning to get their defence organized

OP wars need to be more dynamic. Why should OP mats be gathering dust in some GH for years upon years, just because that guild is supported by the biggest faction? There are of course some fixes:
1) People change factions (Doesn't happen often and I don't blame people who don't want to change)
2) We start doing GVG as Nizy suggested (No Kami guild has accept at GVG)
3) OP wars are changed. They are old, outdated and it is time for a change.
4) We wait for numbers to become balanced through natural progression. I'll go put the kettle on.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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