Look! What's that over there!

Don't hate the idea but I think the owner should be able to counter declare for free in like a 2week timeframe (after he got to pay up?)
Another thing thats been said is change declare time from 24h to 48h wich is a must if this would happen (need to be a little bit fair)

For the rest I'm sure there will be declares on an euro weekday night at 4 in the morning, I've seen em in the past and been to some on ari the rest I overslept trough them :s.
> in the end I don't mind these since if the attacker wins 1à2 weeks later we have another op war at a good time from the previous owner at a good time from him and his guild.

So yes I understand some ppl want a higher op war turnovers and why not give them it? If you don't like it do like the guild I'm in and just say fuck it we don't need op's. (doesn't mean you can't go to op wars)


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