Look! What's that over there!

@ Atheus and Tibest: Yup I agree on the longer time frame from hitting to declare to the OP attack itself. This also should be part of the 'cooldown' period of double production (if that is added). Changing the guards is an interesting idea- I think this could be best done after the new OP turnout is introduced. I have a few ideas myself on that for example paying what can only be described as a ridiculous amount to have Lixie bombers spawn. Of course with the change in OP wars I would hope the coding could get moved to ARK (I know the ARK team are very busy- this is a 'best case scenario'). In this case future additions can be made more easily, anyone using ARK can develop things for OP wars, and we can see OP wars evolve over time- not just stay the same. It would be a pain to produce OP wars within ARK but the advantages are massive.

@ Talk and Bittty: Talk I understand you want OP mats to be given a PVE option of obtaining. I personally disagree. I also agree with Bittty, whether or not that happens doesn't affect whether this would be an improvement on original OP wars. Please no more chat about this. I do not want this post getting off topic- please.



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