Look! What's that over there!

@ Xtarsia: +1 For 1 free declare of previous owning guild

@ Laofa: +1

@ Sygmus: Certainly 48 hours would give more time for the current owners to get more produce and prepare for the attack. It does make the dynamic slightly slower but something I would happily agree on if there was only 1 phase.

@ Naema: The reason I suggested double output during a shorter time frame was to put emphasis on owning OPs on a short term, not for months at a time. With a cooldown of a week you will earn little OP mats and if you loose the OP after the cooldown is ended many people might give up thinking 'well what was the point in that!'. Trying to make OPs more dynamic is good, but they still need to be worth something.

@ Zendae: 'Also means no counter declaring on defence phases and the whole mess associated with that.'
I know counter declaring is a valid tactic but if we are honest it just pisses 90% of the playerbase off and drags OP wars into one long boring counter declare after another as the factions struggle for power.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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