Look! What's that over there!

This seems an interesting idea.

OP are there for the tactical side and pvp. The reward is good, too good because the owners cling to the OP instead of savoring the war. What is pleasure to be 10 versus 1 ? Just the satisfaction to keep "my preciouuuuus".

Remove the defense phase will bring the unexpected, even more risk. Yes, it is likely that the OP will be tackled difficult times; but in a global server I do not think it is completely a problem ... The OP will be won on time by people in GMT+1, one time by GMT+12 (and insomniacs friends). Alliances between guilds will do better than solitary guilds ("you defend our OP since this is your hour, we defends you on other time").

This will make this part of gameplay more dynamic . Strangely, I think it may even benefit those people make little pvp: with more attacks, they are likely to win an OP one day or another because the owner has decided not to come.

This may also have an interesting impact on the economy. OP are one of the big money out of positions: if they are attacked more often (and change hands), the money will go in there.

I want see a test, for one or two month.


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