Look! What's that over there!

No! Over there! *We are rocking the ship!* Nopes- This is actually me being sneaky and grabbing your attention. The reason being is Xtarsia recently came up with an idea which I think is perfect to change OP wars to a better state. I hear you all groaning.. another OP war topic but please: Hear me out! :)

The current state of affairs: is very... political. PVP shouldn't be political. People groan about having to defend their outposts as if they are being pressured into turning up (which they kind of are). One big faction vs another big faction. Numbers are un-even to a drastic measure causing the minorities to group up- to not much effect.

What is missing: PVP should be dynamic and full of energy. Ryzom itself needs more face paced action, something pvp should provide.

Why is this missing:OP wars are split into two phases. Looking from an attackers point of view: The first phase itself is fun, exciting and gives the attackers a chance to win regardless of their numbers. You don't need to wipe the opposing side to kill the guards. The second phase however is where you have to defend the guards, which really requires wiping the other faction (yes there are some tactics you can use but against a massive force you really don't have many options). The second phase, the defence phase, slows down the whole process. Why not just have the defence phase when someone decides to attack your new OP?

So the crux of this post: Remove the second phase of OPs. Some parts to the outpost will need to be tweaked. If people like this idea then the numbers can be debated but just as a rough example: The attackers need to win 12 rounds to gain control of the OP. There is a cooldown once you win an OP of ~5 days and you get double production for the first two days (or a cooldown of a week). Drill prices and declares need to be made cheaper. The countdown to build a drill should be reduced. If anyone has any ideas that will benefit please say.

Some generalizations about why I think this is a good idea: So this will mean OPs change hands lots. Hopefully lots of OP wars will occur. This is a good thing. I know many people hate having to attend triplex's attacks and there is a simple answer to those people: If you don't like going to OP wars- Don't go! OP wars are a PVP mechanic that has been manipulated into Kami vs Kara, with people believing it is their right to own certain OPs in their own lands. This stalemate between the two powers has caused the stagnation and the aggro surrounding OP wars (Well some of it :P). Wars in them self would be much better if it was nation vs nation allowing for a greater degree of side switching, alas this isn't the case. I don't expect Kami will ever fight Kami, Kara will ever fight Kara and so on and so forth. This is the way the game has developed and understandably so. Removing the second phase empowers smaller numbers to try different tactics out to try and win wars. This doesn't have to just benefit the smaller factions, it means guilds can try attacks on their own and have good fun whilst doing so. Also means no counter declaring on defence phases and the whole mess associated with that. Anyways I realize I am rambling a bit now- thank you if you made it to the end of the post. Any questions/queries/troubles you have about the idea feel free to comment why and I will be happy to discuss them. Any feedback or poll-voting is good :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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