
[Matis] Court of the Karae

The Court of the Karae has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis on Prima, Mystia 25, 1st AC 2582*

Were attending:
Filirae Ozwomen, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Royal Florist
Filira Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Botanist
Filira Erminantius, Royal Florist and Royal Kitinologist
Filira Nathann, Royal Minstrel
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filira Zakkk, Royal Florist
Serae Shepeng, Royal Linguist and Royal Minstrel
Ser Copal, Royal Linguist
Ser Deed, Royal Jeweller (nominated during the session)
Serae Marae
Serae Mindae
Serae Naema
Serae Suuya
Serae Zendae
Ser Overhead
Ser Trillo Antovaldo
Ser Zorroargh

Even if this session was normally dedicated to arts, current events justified that a big part was allowed to scientific subjects.

Firs, Filira Nathann recited his last poem, that will be added to the officiel collection of poetry.

The Mateis lessons are still planned by Serae Alco, even if she’s not able to assume them for now, because of a momentary absence.

Then, Filirae Ozwomen and Serae Alco, the last one through a message sent to Filira Zakkk, are still working on the journey of Nae-Karae to the Lakes. It seems important to check in advance the whole path with the escort, which explains this hold-up.
On the other hand, no Royal Artisan was present, so the outfits for the journey haven’t been talked about.

Yet, Ser Deed has presented some of his jewel creations and that provided him with the approval of the Karae, and he was nominated as Royal Artisan, with a specialization as Royal Jeweller.

At the cross-roads of the artistic and scientific subjects, Serae Zendae announced the good progression of the contest for the recipe of an anti-kitin armor. Even if the final winner isn’t known yet, the set-up of the recipe is satisfactory. Moreover, Nae-Karae answered favourably at the request of the Master of Arms by granting some excellent materials instead of lots of choice ones as reward.

On the subject of the Kitinology, Nae-Karae asked about the researches on the so-called Deamla. Filirae Ozwomen confirmed that she had joined the second expedition in the Tunnel of Woe, and that it had allowed to get a lumnio of her. It is indeed good news, since it will make the researches against her easier.
Filira Erminantius completed this with the information provided to the SKA by an officer of the Karavan: Deamla had a companion, now deceased, called Sanantia.
As for the Tunnel of Woe, it seems to have gone back to relative peace, despite the numerous kitins still patrolling around it.
On the other hand, the officer of the Karavan may have information regarding the blue kipesta seen during the first expedition. In exchange for this, the Karavan is asking for the help of the homins to investigate on someone who may have access to their transmissions without authorization. The date is made to the ambassador of the Karavan, in the village of the Kuild, in Nexus, on 16h - Holeth, Nivia 24, 4th AC 2581.

The next topic was the one of the captive kitin. Ser Trillo antovaldo, its caretaker, shared his concern on its subject: in effect, the kipucka seems to be less active, and eat less and less. Its environment doesn’t seem to be fitted for a long-term captivity and several new places have been considered that may fit better. The best, or the less bad, possible choice seems to be the Arena. It will however need to make sure that some water can be brought if needed to humidify the corridor where the kitin could shelter.
Filira Cuiccio Perinia said he would give his support to any botanical building needed to adapt the Arena, as a whole or for a part of it, to this new use.

Finally, Filira Cuiccio Perinia spoke, first about the Tamiela Rotoa, as he plans to name the Rotoa of the Almati kitin-lair in the honour of the Karae, and then about the plant wall started by his predecessor in the Fleeting Garden. He proposed two maps with a census of the existing roots, along with his two hypotheses about what Lenardi Bravichi may have planned. Due to the late time, this point will be the subject of a new exchange. Serae Zendae will also compare her map with the ones of the Royal Botanist.
Moreover, an encounter with the Karae-Mother, Lea Lenardi, has been organised by Nae-Karae on 16h - Dua, Medis 14, 1st AC 2582.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Quarta, Nivia 16, 1st AC 2582.

Karae Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on February 27th, 2015
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