
Ryzom prettier than ever ! ReShade + MasterEffect Reborn

Hello everyone !

Same idea as Pimp my Rzyom, but using ReShade and MasterEffect Reborn.
It makes the game looks like the pictures on the offical website.
Warning : The following screenshots only serve as tech demo. I hope someone with better skills will post some nice shots :)
Warning 2 : Work only on Windows for now. Support for other OS planned for later.
Warning 3 : I'm not affiliated with any of the tools mentioned here.
Warning 4 : Some shaders are quite demanding on the hardware and will have an impact on the FPS.

Shot on Silan, near the arena

A Yelk, on Silan

The bar, in FH

Someone from the Karavan, in FH

And a Fyros from Oflovak

A little comparison with ReShade enabled/disabled:

Almost like the official pictures, isn't it?



(from ReShade's ReadMe)
ReShade requires a computer with Windows Vista or higher.
If you want to use it with OpenGL games, your video card needs to have support
for at least OpenGL 4.3.
It is recommended to update your graphics card drivers to latest version.

The only main software requirement are the Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable and
the DirectX runtime, which probably are already installed:
- https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=30679
- https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=35

Step 1

Donwload the latest version of ReShade.
Download the latest version of MasterEffect Reborn.
MasterEffect Reborn is a shadersuite, like SweetFx. It doesn't have SMAA, but propose some nice shaders like DOF.
Read this post on neogaf on how to use SweetFx with MasterEffect's DOF.

Step 2

Disable all antialisaing, in-game or provided by drivers/tools/etc. It may/will interfere with ReShade. Try enabling it again after chosing the shaders, to see if there is any incompability.

Step 3

If your client (game, not OS) is in 32bit, copy Reshade32.dll in the game directory (where client_ryzom_rd.exe is) and rename it opengl32.dll if you set Ryzom to render with OpenGL or d3d9.dll for D3D render.
Idem with Reshade64.dll if your client is 64bit.
Ryzom should be in 32bit by défault.
Copy the content of MasterEffect ReBorn 1.0.340 directory, from MasterEffect archive, to the game directory.
Note : If you want to use ReSahde with other games, rename the dll following this :
- Direct3D8 => d3d8.dll
- Direct3D9 => d3d9.dll
- Direct3D9Ex => d3d9.dll
- Direct3D10 => dxgi.dll
- Direct3D10.1 => dxgi.dll
- Direct3D11 => dxgi.dll
- Direct3D11.1 => dxgi.dll
- Direct3D11.2 => dxgi.dll
- OpenGL => opengl32.dll

Step 4

Edit ReShade.fx enable/disable/tweak the shaders.
My screens were taken with only Masto DOF and Curve (contrast enhancing) on.
Some shaders don't have any presets, or won't render correctly without tweaks.

Step 5

Some effects make the UI unusable, you can set a key to enable/disable ReShade. In ReShade.fx go to line 4105 :

technique MasterEffect < bool enabled = 1; >

Edit it like that :

technique MasterEffect < bool enabled = 1;int toggle =0x6D; >

Where 0x6D is the ASCII code for the activation key. Currently the - from the numpad.
Remark : Set enabled at 0 to launch the game without any shaders. Otherwise you'll risk spending a lot of time loading the game, depending on the impact of the shader on your system... Enable Reshade once ingame .

Step 6

Launch the game and enjoy !
If a message appears in the top-left corner (about shader compilation, without error) then ReShade is working !

Feel free to post your own screenshots/settings ;)

Default screen capture key is Prnt Screen. Change it in ReShade.fx. The pictures are taken in png, and stored in the same directory as ReSahde.

Original post (in French) : http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22291/1
PS: sorry for the remaining mistakes, it's been a while since I last wrote in English...
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Last visit Friday, 28 February 01:51:29 UTC

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