
Neutral on Kara Lands

Hello everyone, over the past few months there has been a few issues between myself and certain members/guilds of the Kami Faction. This is nothing new as well as my outspokeness on how things have been done within the factiion.

We have decided that as of today, The Dogs' of War will defend all OP's on Kami lands (Jungle/Desert) but will remain neutral when it comes to OP's owned by Kami on Kara lands (Forest/Lakes). 

Furthermore, any Kami guild attacking an OP on Kara land, we will decide whether to remain neutral/defend or attack as we see fit. This action of just blindly defending or attacking because of a faction is not how we will proceed moving forward. We know that each and every one of you has friends on the opposite side and as an open game everyone has a choice to make. Is loyality and respect more important than blind faith for a faction?

Finally, we know that this is not a popular action but if everyone takes a look at themselves and can say for certain that they do not feel the same way we do, good for you but we hope that you can respect this choice regardless of your feelings or if you feel we are wrong.

Thank you, Zatarga
Guild Leader - Dogs' of War
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Last visit Wednesday, 26 June 03:03:11 UTC

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