Ce que je verrais evolué

the economy needs to be tweaked to favor diggers and hunters, selling mat's to the merchants should produce more income for the players.

i like the idea of all OP's having a % to produce a Q250 mat, that would increase the desire to have lower level op's but i believe that they do sometimes produce (randomly) a higher or lower level mat already, but a Q50 op will never produce a 250 mat. i believe it's block above and below the level of the OP.
as for the idea of having OP's produce generic crafting mat's, there's a problem with that, because you can not place generic mat's in a GH, thus there's already a block preventing that. if gen mat's were also made traded items (see link in signature) they could also remove the limit to put them in the GH, thus the idea to have OP's produce gen mat's would be a good option.

as for the temple wars, i don't pvp, but i'm sure that it would be nice to have again, as it is now the only players that have the champion titles are those that were there so many years ago, perhaps an ongoing event, or one that happens once a year.

just my two dappers, but i feel that we all agree on this thus far.


Remickla (atys)
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