
Favorite things about, or moments in Ryzom?

Another thing I like about Ryzom is that, as a character, you can choose the worst possible "levels" imaginable, but you can recooperate from those bad decisions over time, a possible very short time, and "recover" from your mistakes and get a good character from the old-bad character.

That is because this is a SKILL-based game, rather than a level-based game.

Suppose you decided to spend alot of effort in magic, but for whatever reason, you start hating that decision. You can then gain your experience in fighting, and become a very good fighter, because, in the end, it really doesn't matter what you have done in the past.


I have had a stroke in 2011, and am sort of brain-damaged. So, please bear with me.
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Last visit Wednesday, 26 June 11:30:45 UTC

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