
open discussion about the path of ryzoms future

this is a discussion that i started on the kami forums, but that's only a small portion of the server, i want everyone to have the chance to read and consider my words.
Talkirc (atys)
to start with:
this does not apply to all members of the kami faction.

some of us, myself included, have been kami for years, or in my case, for the entire time they have played ryzom.

there are players that have NOT been kami for years, but just recently became kami do not have all the information to pass judgement upon life long kami such as myself. because they are new they have no idea what things have previously been discussed, agreed apon, and settled related to our faction.
this lack of proper information, as well as study of the various forums, where some information related to things of this nature can be found, eg. kami alliance contact list, they act out without knowing the current state of things.

this is all in relation to direct stalking and harassment of me because of my guild seal. this is what transpired:
a new player to ryzom requested a trek from jungle to the lakes, being the helpful homin i am i offered to assist a fellow kami (bones) with the trek. the route takes us through a forced pvp zone. along the way we long time players are trying to teach the new homin things about PR and the ways of the game, answering questions and such as needed. at a point where there is much aggro suddenly a "fellow" kami aggro drag's on the party. they claim it was an accident, and make an empty apology to everyone except me, saying that they intended to kill me. they did also DIRECTLY attack me with both melee and magic attacks, at first they said it was an "accident" then changed that and said they intended to. (perhaps that was related to the accident of killing the rest of the team and intentional killing of me.) i freely admit that due to these repeated actions i lost my temper and verbally attacked the homin(s) in question, as a result of feeling directly betrayed by members of my own faction.

as a result of this i am going to take the same action that other respected and well known kami have, and stop playing completely (nuno, devoted kami and guild leader/high officer of "monks of atys"). other losses the kami have suffered are members like bambamseven, luminatrix, the bulk of the guild "asylum" and many others i can't recall. ryzom's biggest thing was the community and how friendly we once were, but now on this new server that seams to be a thing of the past.

we all came from different servers, and were all used to different play styles, we were forced together, and while it's been hard for some of us to adjust to this new server since then, some of us have tried, others refuse to. this lack of willingness to change is leading the kami and the entire server down a sad and dark path, which can only lead to one place, the end of ryzom.

we are too few on the server for this type of things to keep going on, it's time to consider that our actions on the server and how we treat others can impact the game in ways that will be bad for everyone that loves atys. what happened to me on that trek (as well as the others in the team) is not going to give new players the desire to keep playing, and is even less likely to promote them to want to pay for this. they can go find this kind of environment in games like WoW, ryzom will not be the hidden jewel of the MMO world unless we can return to the friendly and respectful atys of days past. how long can ryzom continue to survive if we keep loosing players? how long until the cost of keeping up the server and making some sort of profit before WG pulls the plug?

had the guild that attacked me and the treking team i was with been kami longer, they would have know that the issue of arugula's OP stance was discussed and agreed to be alright with the alliance previously. it should also be noted that while We are One is still kami, it was created as such by arugula her self. she was the one that instilled our members with a love and desire to support the kami. i will not ask the creator of a guild to leave it, nor will i abandon the years of work that I also put into the guild simply because ONE player want's to have a true challenge. i have been trying to convince her to return to the path of the enlightened kami, even if my attempts are invain i feel that i'm being the best kami i can be by giving my full effort to convert her, can you say the same when you kill a fellow kami and a devoted one at that?

the final point: attacking player A because of actions of player B simply because they have the same guild seal is not the proper course of action if you are not in possession of the full facts. until the dev's apply a patch that kicks marauder's out of faction aligned guilds it's not against the rules to have them, and when it does happen i see at least 5 subscriptions that will no longer be supporting ryzom with their money. (suboxide, and his 2 alt's, marceline [possibly], fitis, and it should be noted that both suboxide and fitis helped to create the marauders into what they are today)

so let's continue on the path we're on now, and see where ryzom is this time next year. half the server is sub'ed alt's, imagine what happens each time someone like that stop's playing, it's not one sub ryzom looses, it's 2 or more.


Remickla (atys)
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