
Favorite things about, or moments in Ryzom?

What I love about Atys.

I love watching the wildlife move back and forth over the course of a long digging session, seeing how it changes with the seasons and the cycles.

I love it when a plan comes together and the team I am in takes down a Prime Roots Boss despite the attempted interference by three Kitin Patrols (RIP).

I love the feeling of success when I run through/around/past a field of aggro without exciting a single one of them. I also love the feeling of managing to escape with my life by the skin of my teeth when I fail the first task, and the minor triumph when I manage to make it to a point where it will be simple for another homin to resurrect me before I am taken down.

I love the view of a waterfall, or of a herd of bolobis moving around as evening falls and the glowing sparks of sap-rise fill the air. I love the glowing plants and floating globes of the Prime roots, the colors of the wildflowers, the growing flames of the Sun as morning comes.

There is more; these just a few of my favorite things.

Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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Last visit Wednesday, 26 June 11:43:43 UTC

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