
Favorite things about, or moments in Ryzom?

Things I love most about it?

Joining a guild shortly after leaving Silan and leveling up with new friends my strength level day after day and going with them where you explore the huge world together, whether it be training, or fighting strange new monsters together and getting smeared, or just watching while one of you run through a bunch of aggro and make it back safe to a friendly camp while the other laughs his head off watching you. Launching fire bombs at a pod of kinchers.... :)

Learning from eachother, the thrill of first joining an op (outpost), fight and having your blood pump so fast you sweat!

There is so many other things to mention, you simple have to experience it, it is not something that I can say to you where you will totally agree. You may like other things to do on Atys that I don't, maybe you WILL agree totally, who knows. I just advise to try it and give it a real fair chance! I can say, you will love it.

Also, making fun of people, yes, I admit it, i get a kick out of funny questions and I will answer them funny if I can in Universal chat. (Don't worry Newbies, I love you, and will fight for your protection! So don't take it seriously, so expect some banter), So please ask questions!
~Yours Truely,
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Last visit Wednesday, 26 June 11:34:03 UTC

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