Recueil de poésie matis


Spring alas has fled, too fast and too far,
Taking with it all our laughs, our games and child promises.

Summer and its sun have quickly followed it,
Its briliant glare forcing us too often to close the eyes.

As soon as it finishes, autumn already settles in,

Synonym for everyone, for the time of the harvest… and also sometime for the one of clarifications.

But in the distance can be seen winter coming up with its dark days,

Time for rest, when everyone sits down… looking behind him what our lives have been.

Translation by Ser Copal


Nathann di Regio
Membre de la Cour de la Karae
Menestrel Royal
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena
Guide de la Maison Matis Filii Yrkanis (ex Vires Domini Scientia)
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