
Favorite things about, or moments in Ryzom?

Kovabon (atys)
In general, other players will help everyone else. I have been "resurrected" many times in the past, thus avoiding my Death Penalty. In my opinion, this is because healing gets experience, so people get experience for that single kind of help.

Actually, nobody gets experience points from rezzing another toon or healing someone not in their team, they were doing it for you because Ryzom is full of friendly people willing to help. It's one of the things I really love about the game, I've made some really good friends from all over the world Here, and I think that everyone can agree, we have a really great community of players. I started 3 years ago and, at the time, thought I would never EVER pay a monthly fee to play a game online, Now I pay for 2 accounts.


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