Finish the Kitin Lair

I know there are many exciting plans coming from the Ryzom Forge with the new equipable items and the possibility of new playable zone(s). However I definitely think the Kitin Lair is one of the most interesting and rich places on Atys and could certainly benefit from being finally finished. At the moment it seems like even things from before the merge were not fixed yet (kipuckas are missing from the Egg Room which makes the Larvest occupation way too easy, kipesta patrols are gone, etc). I would love to see the Kitin Lair get some love in the future. Places like the "Queen's Room" and the "Prince's Room" have the potential to be truly epic.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 04:28:05 UTC

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