
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

I wonder why there is no mention of this "problem" on the Dev Roadmap, yet it seems to be getting fixed very quickly. When was the mara rite first introduced, 2 years ago? So, we have known about it for that long, and haven't acknowledged it until recently. Now, it totally skips the dev roadmap, and we are fixing it ASAP even though it doesn't give anyone a clear (or unclear for that matter) advantage over anyone else, but will certainly disadvantage the tiny handful of people the "fix" will affect.

As Marce pointed out, we can no longer see the civ/faction neutral forums, am I to assume that soon I'll log in and just be guildless, kicked by the development team from the guild I created, the guild who asked me to come back AFTER I took the Mara rite?

Can we please get a time frame so that we might set things in order before it happens?


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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 02:08:55 UTC

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