
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

You know, if someone is going Mara simply for the "bulk-free tps", they can just go something else and get the "minor amount of bulk" tps of the Kami or Kara. That's not a roleplay decision and shouldn't cause them to leave. What I wonder about is why a guild with Marauders in it would want to align K/K or Nation.

All I can say is that any Marauders who are (somehow) not PvP players are welcome to join Phaedreas Tears, a neutral guild. (They would have to swear that they would be helpful to all, too.) There is no indication in Tamarea's post that they will not be allowed to join neutral guilds. In fact I would suggest that truly neutral guilds *ought* to be allowed to recruit anyone (which they cannot at the moment).


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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