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Experiences with bill2's process manager:

I took my time to play a little bit with it. The process manager works well in general, but it seems like it is just an automation for the things I can do myself in the taskmanager as well. It looks like it can not change settings, which can also not be changed in the taskmanager.
I made a rule for Ryzom, spreading it over all cpu's (additionally with lower priority.)
when I start Ryzom, bill2's process manager tells me in a balloon tip, that the rules for Ryzom have been applied.
when I check the taskmanager, I see that only one core is used, at close to 100%, also Ryzom has normal priority.
The taskmanager hangs often now too.
Checking the Bill2's process manager, it shows that Ryzom is marked red. (an unaltered process)
beside that Bill2's process manager only detects 4 cpu's but also hyperthreading - which is not the case.
I tried almost everything possible with it - it is unable to spread Ryzom over multiple cores (also unable to change priority of Ryzom)
Maybe it is good when you run Ryzom more than once, but in my case it is no help
Beside a few minor bugs Bill2's Processor manager is awesome, it does not help with my Ryzom-problem tho.

Update on effects of changing various other settings in Ryzom will be here later.
Desperation taking over.... Any help welcome.
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Last visit Monday, 13 January 23:33:43 UTC

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