
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

Ingfarah, Virg --

Yes, as has been clear from my previous comments, I would disagree that +50 across the board is not neutral. Remember that Fame is not so much how a homin regards the Nation or Civilisation, but how they regard him or her. Neutral means that we don't take sides between the PTBs.

In a war a "neutral nation" is one that is not at war. Correspondingly a "neutral homin" is one who does not attack any of the nations (or Powers), but is regarded as a friend by all.

Ingfarah: The Rangers will never be a true Faction in the game sense: they can't be. They are an organization, just as the Marauders are an organization. However, no homin with sense would invite a sworn enemy of his Nation or Religion into his household, but to invite a friend? That is just common sense. In game terms, an un-aligned ("neutral") guild would be ideal to invite Rangers into, but an aligned guild might do so as well.

If the question hinges too much for too many people on the use of the word "neutral" getting confused between a gameplay term and common English usage, then I reluctantly suggest the term "positive" for the fame looked for in a Ranger applicant. I am reluctant since I see no reason not to use "neutral".


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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